Stations and Story

Today, April 3, was supposed to be the day for Stations and Story, a morning retreat led by Cari Shields, one of the Anawim Arts Board Members.

Like so many other parts of our lives, the event had to be cancelled due to COVID-19.

We are offering you a few ideas from the retreat as we head into Holy Week:

  • Consider using the word and images of Cari Shields’ Stations Journal as part of your meditations for the coming week. We will publish a few excerpts in our Community Conversations over the next ten days. Information about the writing and photos in the journal was shared last year at this time – A Journey In Lent
  • Reflect on your own spiritual journey in terms of stations – whether it be stations of faith, stations of doubt, stations of illness, grief, recovery or some other significant developments in your life. Using writing and art, we encourage you to enter the process that the Irish poet Padraig Ó Tuama describes below. Please share your work and ideas with us by entering comments below or sending your work to us at anawimarts@gmail,com.

By taking a gospel text and putting personal stations to it, a dialogue between reader and story takes place and something called prayer emerges in the thin place …. There we encounter the heart. There we meet … the place where the wisdom we didn’t know we had can greet us. There we can greet the truth that a story can hold us. There we can greet that which we call God. 

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