Cari Shields

Turkey Feather Fungi
Autumn Collage
Sand Map Created by Ice and Water
Ice Circle in a Puddle
Winter Collage with Brush Stroke Filter
Dandelion with Brush Stroke Filter
Sanderling Playground
Reflected Sunset

Artist’s Statement – One of the great joys of spending time outside is finding unexpected patterns of form, light and color. When presented with such gifts, it is an invitation to look and to look again. If I am lucky, I can capture the view in a photo or series of photos. But more important is the instant and the gift.

You think you will never forget any of this, you will remember it always just the way it was. But you can’t remember it the way it was. To know it, you have to be living in the presence of it right as it is happening. It can return only by surprise. …..

And so you have a life that you are living only now, now and now and now, gone before you speak of it, and you must be thankful for living day by day, moment by moment, in this presence.

Wendell Berry, from Hannah Coulter

Cari Shields is a member of the Anawim Arts board.

6 thoughts on “Cari Shields

  1. The sand map and ice puddle are my favorites …and the Wendell Berry quote.
    You have a great eye. …

  2. I love them all! You have a wonderful sense of composition and color. Thank you for sharing your work and your philosophy.

  3. It is in the present moment that beauty captures our attention. Cari shows us the gift of those precious, attentive moments.

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