Reaching Out and Beyond – January 2022

Artistic/Poetic Responses to this Year’s Reflections on Mary Ward Week

This collection comes from the challenge to create an artistic/poetic response to the 2022 Reflections for Mary Ward Week. The collection is not complete and new responses are being added as they are submitted. We will stop adding submissions after February 15.

 Teresa Heck C.J.  


Legado profundo.
Aquí y ahora.
Presencia desborda
Y mana en nosotros.
¡ Acto Creador! Hoy!
Mary hoy!
Nosotros hoy!
Brillante quietud.
Nada la rompe.
Su ser en el SER
invita y contagia.
Como ella en el Circulo!
Totalidad Trinitaria.
Atrae su ¨fuente¨
Sitúa nuestros vacíos,
intentos,  búsquedas y frustraciones.
Dar el paso, retroceder,
volcarnos para reorientar.
Vaciar para repletar.
Soltar sin herirnos!
Libertad plena!!!
Un  fondo nos  une…
nada afecta al tiempo…
brotamos de Dios…
Vivir la experiencia,
Sentirnos ¨¨siendo¨¨
en el SER de Dios.
Soltar nos abre a sus mismos DESEOS.
Tríada en tres tiempos…
Viviendo  el SOY de Jesús.
Don inacabado…
en  búsqueda  siempre,
don  frágil, amado y elegido.
Lo nuevo se gesta en lo roto y lo frágil.
Un  kairos sinodal nos va envolviendo.
Invita, interpela, es la hora! Hoy! Siempre…      



A profound legacy.
Here and now.
Presence overflows
flows through us.
A Creative Act! Today!
Mary today!
Us today!
Brilliant stillness.
Nothing breaks it.
Her being in the BEING
is inviting and contagious.
Like her in the Circle!
Trinitarian Totality.
Attracting its “source”.
It grounds our emptiness,
Our efforts, searching and frustrations.
To take the step, to step back,
to turn in order to reorient.
Emptying to replete.
To let go without hurting us!
Full freedom!
A background unites us…
nothing affects time…
we spring from God…
To live the experience,
To feel ourselves ¨¨being¨¨¨
in the BEING of God.
Letting go opens us to his own DESIRES.
Triad in three times…
Living the I AM of Jesus.
Unfinished gift…
always in search,
fragile gift, loved and chosen.
 The new is gestated in the broken and the fragile.
A synodal kairos is enveloping us.
It invites, it challenges, it is time! Today! Always…

Translated with (free version)

Anne Hyzy, Brenda Eagan, Helen Timothy, Julie Stapleton
United States

Our communal response

Margie Bourke

Liliana Castro

My inspiration in my prayer Is 49,19 “something new is germinating”
Much love and very happy feast of Mary Ward!

Simone Remmert

Silvia Ruiz
Amerindian Province

Les envío mi respuesta artística  agradeciendo las profundas reflexiones que nos han regalado pues me han permitido tener conversaciones  con Mary Ward, Teresa Ball y el mundo.  Siento que ambas dicen, me dicen y nos dicen “Cómo quisiera que todas estuvieran aquí”. Este deseo de unión se transformó en  mi deseo también!Muy Feliz día de María Ward

I am grateful for the profound reflections that you have given us as they have allowed me to have conversations with Mary Ward, Teresa Ball and the world.  I feel that they both say, tell me and tell us “How I wish they were all here”. This wish of union became my wish too! Very Happy Mary Ward’s Day

Verani Ribeiro da Silva and Clementina Rivas Ojeda
Amerindian Province

Círculo: (cuerpo) dos que no tienen principio ni fin, y se entrelazan. CJ ~ IBVM
Los rostros: Mary Ward y Teresa Ball mirando hacia adelante.
Las personas que forman parte del círculo abierto: Familia Mary Ward que recibe a todos.
Los colores: tienen su propia identidad, pero se entremezclan para mayor Gloria de Dios.
Color verde debajo de las personas: pies apoyados en la realidad de la creación.
El color amarillo que sale del círculo: la respuesta del carisma al mundo, hoy.
Los colores usados son de la propuesta enviada.

Circle: (body) two that have no beginning and no end, and intertwine. CJ ~ IBVM
The faces: Mary Ward and Teresa Ball facing forward.
The people who are part of the open circle: Mary Ward family welcoming everyone.
Colors: have their own identity, but are intermingled for the greater glory of God.
Green color below the people: feet resting on the reality of creation.
The yellow color coming out of the circle: the response of the charism to the world today.
The colors used are from the proposal sent.

Translated with (free version)

Anna Quinterio

TeMa (TeMa: Teresa Mary)

RIT. Raggiungere, superare, non stancarti di abbracciare, cerca il Regno, la giustizia, porta luce dona amore.

1) Una vita per viaggiare, per salpare, per remare

con la bussola di un cuore, abitato dal Signore.

Una vita per servire, per sognare per creare

condividere spezzare, aver cura rinnovare.

2) Menta aperta sii creativa, cuore aperto dona vita

apri la tua volontà, verso il meglio con fiducia.

Tutto è grazia è Kairos, non avere mai paura

povertà guerra dolore, c’è una luce che non muore.

3) Il tuo amore è come fuoco, da tenere sempre acceso

l’amore vince ogni paura, ed affronta ogni battaglia.

Va’ coraggio accendi il mondo, con il fuoco del suo amore

buio c’è da illuminare e catene da spezzare.

4) Verso un futuro ignoto, ci tuffiamo nel presente

ora è tempo siamo uno, forza mano nella mano

quanto è bello quanto è buono, vivere insieme in libertà

relazioni vere giuste, costruite in verità.

TeMa (TeMa: Teresa Mary)

RIT. Reach out, overcome, don’t tire of embracing, seek the Kingdom, justice, bring light give love.

1) A life to travel, to sail, to row

With the compass of a heart, inhabited by the Lord.

A life to serve, to dream, to create, to share, to break, to care, to renew.

to share to break, to care to renew.

2) Open mind be creative, open heart give life

open your will, towards the best with confidence.

Everything is grace is Kairos, never fear

poverty war pain, there is a light that does not die.

3) Your love is like fire, to be kept always burning

love overcomes every fear, and faces every battle.

Go courageously light the world, with the fire of his love

Darkness there is to illuminate and chains to break.

4) Towards an unknown future, we dive in the present

now is the time we are one, come on hand in hand

how beautiful how good, living together in freedom

true relationships right, built in truth.

Translated with (free version)

A conclusione della novena di Mary Ward sono nate le parole di un canto. Una novena molto bella un grande aiuto per vivere questo 2022!

At the conclusion of Mary Ward’s novena, the words of a song were born. A very beautiful novena a great help to live this 2022!

Patricia Rediu

MaryElizabeth Kirke
Jicamarca, Lima

 “Go set the world alight with the love of God.” 

Susan Daily

Anne Byrne

Planet Earth – Our common home

Here in Australia we have a continent that suffers from drought and other climate related matters and our government continues to invest in fossil fuels as a source of energy.
In this picture, by encouraging the young child to plant a tree, the adult explains to the child, (and to future generations), how important trees are for the environment and how they help to combat climate change.

Maureen Burke


Fragile or strong,
Long/ infinitesimal,
There and here,

Tied up, undone,
In sorrow and joy,
On paths untrodden
And broad highways.
We make our way.
Tangled weaving.

Starting alone,
Befriended or lost.
Threads criss-cross
In a tapestry of
In each other.

One at last.

Deirdre Bannon

Mission is where we are.  We are called to love wherever we are.  Love is like fire.. “Go and set the world on fire with the love of God”…Teresa Ball said this to her companions as they went off on the missions.

M. Linda Charles

7 thoughts on “Reaching Out and Beyond – January 2022

  1. Thank you all for sharing your creativity and movements, The Spirit of Union is alive and moving among us

  2. Dear Friends everywhere! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and spark in the light of Mary Ward Week. I will linger longer with all. Thank you.

  3. Wonderful! A real thrill to be part of such talent & will to be united just as Mary Ward wanted!
    May the Holy Spirit continue to give us all a big push!!! Carina.

  4. El arte es una aventura del espiritu. Puede ayudar a iluminar el camino hacia Dios,dar vida y ayudar a transformar el mundo y a nosotros con él. Gracias por la belleza que encierran estas obras y por el mensaje que trasmiten.

  5. How lovely to have been a part of this with all of you. Thanks and blessings in plenty.
    Que bonito era estar con todas ustedes en esta aventura de creatividad. Gracias y bendiciones in abundancia.

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