Spring 2018 – Stations of the Cross Journal

These reflections on the Stations of the Cross were written by Cari Shields in the Spring of 2018 while she was living in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia for six months. The photographs were all taken during daily walks up and down the hills of the city. The theme for the journal was inspired by wrestling with a question asked by Padriag Ó Tuama, “Is there a story that can hold me?”

That is the question underlying this study of the Passion of Jesus as expressed through the Stations of the Cross. Can this story hold us? And how? There are certainly other questions we could ask of the story. Is it true? What does it all mean? Why did Jesus have to die? What is the best theological understanding of the atonement? But using Ó Tuama’s question we ask how we let our lives be enfolded in the passion narrative.  How does the story create a context within which we can live our lives in this broken world? How can we live inside of the story even on days when faith is hard won or not won at all?

from the Stations Journal Introduction