Carolyn Faivre – from the 2022 Art Show

The Midwives Came, Tryptic ; 96″W 36″H Acrylic on canvas

Artist’s Statement – My thoughts in keeping with the mystery and call to presence of the advent season: Mary arrives in Bethlehem-a foreigner in a foreign land. As would be in the behavior of a tribal community, word would havespread that a woman was nearing the time of her travail. The midwives would have come to assist; the community would appear with everything needed for the new mother, and Joseph woud have stood as guardian, grounding the newborn to his place on this earth.

In every painting, inspiration comes first. I fill the canvas in swaths of color. Painting words of intention and hope for the work comes next. Then, the painting’s vision appears layer by layer; what was painted before peeks through. This process of revealing the earlier work is a visual metaphor for the realities of life. Our histories and our potentials always show through. Each layer expresses a sense of the Sacred, often as a representation of the Divine Feminine. The intention in all my work, with its purposeful use of color and image, is that it be an invitation for those viewing my art, to be inspired to see the sacred in their own lives, in their fellow humans, and in the world.

The artist featured in this post is one of many who contributed their work to the 2022 Fall Art Show – The Mystery of the Moment. You can see the entire art show here.

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